Developer-friendly access management
Seamlessly define access roles for your apps and APIs, and tap into advanced authorization mechanics for more flexible access control.

Easily support different authorization flows
Elevate your projects in the API ecosystem. Handle authorization using scopes and granular permissions, whether it's for first-party apps, third-party integrations, or Machine-to-Machine communications.

Role based access control (RBAC): streamline your permission logic
Map out permissions based on roles and simplify your user management. Because who likes repetitive tasks?
RBAC docsFine-Grained Authorization (FGA): centralize and optimize
Remove authorization clutter from your application’s code. Manage all your authorization rules from one unified view that's built to be agile, efficient, and developer-friendly.
Learn more about FGAOAuth2: bulletproof your API security
Your API deserves top-grade security. Stick to standards, such as OAuth2 and make sure your access control is secure.
See our OAuth2 docsFor developers, by developers
Experience a smarter way to manage access.