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Identity-first for truly personalised retail experiences

About this webinar

Identity-first for truly personalised retail experiences

In this webinar we would like to show you - using concrete (code) examples:

  • How the wide variety of your users digital identities can be combined into a unified profile
  • How you can use this 360° view of your customer to create a personalised user experience
  • How you can link this personalised online experience with the in-store experiences to holistically - “omnichannel” - serve your customer

With plenty of practical examples and best practices, this webinar will teach you how to pull together loose threads and put your customer first. Through the broad range of out-of-the-box capabilities of our solution, we want to show you how to focus on what matters most: Creating the best possible user experience for your customers without being held back by your technical infrastructure!

Felix-Colaci Felix Colaci | CIAM Specialist

andré-hochstein André Hochstein | Solutions Architect

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