- PostgreSQL
Configuring PostgreSQL as Auth0 Custom Database
- FastAPI
Build and Secure a FastAPI Server with Auth0
- Rails
Secure a Rails API with Auth0
- .NET
Implementing an API Gateway in ASP.NET Core with Ocelot
- Flutter
Flutter Authentication and Authorization with Auth0, Part 3: Adding Real-Time Chat to the App
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to enhance your Flutter apps by enabling authentication, supporting federated identity providers, adding authorization by introducing roles and permissions, all leveraging Auth0.
- Flutter
Flutter Authentication and Authorization with Auth0, Part 4: Roles and Permissions
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to enhance your Flutter apps by enabling authentication, supporting federated identity providers, adding authorization by introducing roles and permissions, all leveraging Auth0.
- Flutter
Flutter Authentication and Authorization with Auth0, Part 2: Refresh Tokens, Social Logins, and More
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to enhance your Flutter apps by enabling authentication, supporting federated identity providers, adding authorization by introducing roles and permissions, all leveraging Auth0.
- Flutter
Flutter Authentication and Authorization with Auth0, Part 1: Adding Authentication to an App
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to enhance your Flutter apps by enabling authentication, supporting federated identity providers, adding authorization by introducing roles and permissions, all leveraging Auth0.
- Spring Boot
Spring Boot Logs Aggregation and Monitoring Using ELK Stack
Learn how you can integrate ELK stack with your Spring Boot application for logs aggregation and monitoring in a centralized way.
- Swift
Create an API in Swift and Deploy It to AWS Lambda
Learn how to create and deploy a serverless HTTP API using Swift and AWS Lambda.
- Spring Boot
Get Started with Custom Error Handling in Spring Boot (Java)
Learn how to implement custom error handling logic in Spring Boot. You will see two approaches based on the @ControllerAdvice annotation. Similarly, you will learn how to deal with authentication and access denied errors in Spring Security.
- The Confused Developer
ID Token and Access Token: What's the Difference?
- Kotlin
Dependency Injection with Kotlin and Koin