Add Login to Your Android Application
To use Auth0 services, you need to have an application set up in the Auth0 Dashboard. The Auth0 application is where you will configure authentication in your project.
Configure an application
Use the interactive selector to create a new Auth0 application or select an existing application that represents the project you want to integrate with. Every application in Auth0 is assigned an alphanumeric, unique client ID that your application code will use to call Auth0 APIs through the SDK.
Any settings you configure using this quickstart will automatically update for your Application in the Dashboard, which is where you can manage your Applications in the future.
If you would rather explore a complete configuration, you can view a sample application instead.
Configure callback URLs
A callback URL is the application URL that Auth0 will direct your users to once they have authenticated. If you do not set this value, Auth0 will not return users to your application after they log in.
Configure logout URLs
A logout URL is the application URL Auth0 will redirect your users to once they log out. If you do not set this value, users will not be able to log out from your application and will receive an error.
Add the Auth0 Android SDK into your project. The library will make requests to the Auth0's Authentication and Management APIs.
In your app's build.gradle
dependencies section, add the following:
implementation ' '
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Ensure you target Java 8+ byte code for Android and Kotlin plugins respectively.
The SDK requires manifest placeholders. Auth0 uses placeholders internally to define an intent-filter
, which captures the authentication callback URL. You must set Auth0 tenant domain and the callback URL scheme.
You do not need to declare a specific intent-filter
for your activity, because you have defined the manifest placeholders with your Auth0 Domain and Scheme values and the library will handle the redirection for you.
For the SDK to function properly, you must set the following properties in strings.xml
: The domain of your Auth0 tenant. Generally, you can find this in the Auth0 Dashboard under your Application's Settings in the Domain field. If you are using a custom domain, you should set this to the value of your custom domain instead.com_auth0_client_id
: The ID of the Auth0 Application you set up earlier in this quickstart. You can find this in the Auth0 Dashboard under your Application's Settings in the Client ID field.
Ensure that the AndroidManifest.xml
file specifies the android.permissions.INTERNET
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
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Run Sync Project with Gradle Files inside Android Studio or execute ./gradlew clean assembleDebug
from the command line.
Universal Login is the easiest way to set up authentication in your application. We recommend using it for the best experience, best security and the fullest array of features.
In the onCreate
method, create a new instance of the Auth0
class to hold user credentials.
Create a loginWithBrowser
method and use the WebAuthProvider
class to authenticate with any connection you enabled on your application in the Auth0 dashboard. Here, you can pass the scheme value that was used in the auth0Scheme
manifest placeholder as part of the initial configuration.
After you call the WebAuthProvider#start
function, the browser launches and shows the login page. Once the user authenticates, the callback URL is called. The callback URL contains the final result of the authentication process.
Add a button to your application that calls loginWithBrowser
. When you click it, verify that your Android application redirects you to the Auth0 Universal Login page and that you can now log in or sign up using a username and password or a social provider.
Once that's complete, verify that Auth0 redirects back to your app.
Use WebAuthProvider
to remove the cookie set by the browser at authentication time, so that the users are forced to re-enter their credentials the next time they try to authenticate.
Add a logout
method to your app to remove the user's session and log them out of the app. Here, you can pass the scheme value that was used in the auth0Scheme
manifest placeholder as part of the initial configuration.
Use the WebAuthProvider
class to implement logout. This call opens the browser and navigates the user to the logout endpoint. If the user cancels the logout, consider redirected the user to their previous URL.
Add a button to your app that calls logout
and logs the user out of your application. When you click it, verify that your Android app redirects you logout page and back again, and that you are no longer logged in to your application.
Use the AuthenticationAPIClient
class to retrieve the user's profile from Auth0. This requires:
The access token returned from the login phase
must contain theprofile
You must specify the email
scope if you need to retrieve the user's email address.
The following demonstrates a function that can be used to retrieve the user's profile and show it on the screen:
Call the showUserProfile
function after login. Verify the onSuccess
callback returns the user's profile information.
Next Steps
Excellent work! If you made it this far, you should now have login, logout, and user profile information running in your application.
This concludes our quickstart tutorial, but there is so much more to explore. To learn more about what you can do with Auth0, check out:
- Auth0 Dashboard - Learn how to configure and manage your Auth0 tenant and applications
- Auth0.Android SDK - Explore the SDK used in this tutorial more fully
- Auth0 Marketplace - Discover integrations you can enable to extend Auth0’s functionality
Sign up for an or to your existing account to integrate directly with your own tenant.