Update Access Token Lifetime
You can change the access token lifetime using the Auth0 Dashboard.
Configure access token lifetime
Go to Dashboard > Applications > APIs and select the name of the API to view.
Locate the Token Expiration field under Token Settings.
Enter the desired lifetime (in seconds) for access tokens issued for this API.
Default value is
seconds (24 hours).Maximum value is
2,592,000 seconds
(30 days).
Select Save Changes.
Token Expiration For Browser Flows
The Token Expiration For Browser Flows field refers to access tokens issued for the API through implicit and hybrid flows and does not cover all flows initiated from browsers.
For example, the PKCE flow (used in auth0-js-spa
SDK) can be initiated from the browser, but it references the Token Expiration value, not the Token Expiration For Browser Flows value.
Restricted lifetime for MFA access tokens
The lifetime of access tokens with the {yourAuth0Domain}/mfa
audience are restricted to 600
seconds (10 minutes) for security reasons and cannot be modified.