Customize Blocked Account Emails

When Auth0 sends an email to notify a user that their account has been blocked due to suspicious activity, the message contains a link to re-enable the origin of the request.

The email sent to the user reads something like:

Blocked Access Attempt

We detected suspicious activity from the ip: from Buenos Aires, Argentina. If that is not your IP address, click here to unblock it. Otherwise disregard this email. Clarification: Your account is not blocked, only access to it from the aforementioned IP.


Default App

To customize the template used for this message, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Branding > Email Templates.

  2. From the Template dropdown, select Blocked Account Email.

  3. Make the desired changes. To learn more, read Customize Email Templates.

  4. To test, click Try, enter a valid email address that you have access to view, and choose the correct connection type.

  5. Click Cancel, returning to the email template page. You can make any changes and try again, then select Save when you are satisfied with the results.

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