identity & security

Critical vulnerabilities in JSON Web Token libraries

Which libraries are vulnerable to attacks and how to prevent them.

Aug 21, 20207 min read

TL;DR: If you are using node-jsonwebtoken, pyjwt, namshi/jose, php-jwt or jsjwt with asymmetric keys (RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512) please update to the latest version. See for more information on the vulnerable libraries. (Updated 2015-04-20)

This is a guest post from Tim McLean, who is a member of the Auth0 Security Researcher Hall of Fame. Tim normally blogs at

Recently, while reviewing the security of various JSON Web Token implementations, I found many libraries with critical vulnerabilities allowing attackers to bypass the verification step. The same two flaws were found across many implementations and languages, so I thought it would be helpful to write up exactly where the problems occur. I believe that a change to the standard could help prevent future vulnerabilities.

I found many libraries with critical vulnerabilities allowing attackers to bypass the verification step.

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For those who are unfamiliar, JSON Web Token (JWT) is a standard for creating tokens that assert some number of claims. For example, a server could generate a token that has the claim "logged in as admin" and provide that to a client. The client could then use that token to prove that they are logged in as admin. The tokens are signed by the server's key, so the server is able to verify that the token is legitimate.

JWTs generally have three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature.

The header identifies which algorithm is used to generate the signature, and looks something like this:

header = '{"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT"}'

indicates that this token is signed using HMAC-SHA256.

The payload contains the claims that we wish to make:

payload = '{"loggedInAs":"admin","iat":1422779638}'

As suggested in the JWT spec, we include a timestamp called

, short for "issued at".

The signature is calculated by base64url encoding the header and payload and concatenating them with a period as a separator:

key = 'secretkey'
unsignedToken = encodeBase64(header) + '.' + encodeBase64(payload)
signature = HMAC-SHA256(key, unsignedToken)

To put it all together, we base64url encode the signature, and join together the three parts using periods:

token = encodeBase64(header) + '.' + encodeBase64(payload) + '.' + encodeBase64(signature)

# token is now:
# eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsb2dnZWRJbkFzIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpYXQiOjE0MjI3Nzk2Mzh9.gzSraSYS8EXBxLN_oWnFSRgCzcmJmMjLiuyu5CSpyHI

To learn more about JSON Web Tokens, check out our free ebook below.

Interested in getting up-to-speed with JWTs as soon as possible?

Download the free ebookJWT Handbook

Great. So, What's Wrong with That?

Well, let's try to verify a token.

First, we need to determine what algorithm was used to generate the signature. No problem, there's an

field in the header that tells us just that.

But wait, we haven't validated this token yet, which means that we haven't validated the header. This puts us in an awkward position: in order to validate the token, we have to allow attackers to select which method we use to verify the signature.

This has disastrous implications for some implementations.

Meet the "None" Algorithm


algorithm is a curious addition to JWT. It is intended to be used for situations where the integrity of the token has already been verified. Interestingly enough, it is one of only two algorithms that are mandatory to implement (the other being

Unfortunately, some libraries treated tokens signed with the

algorithm as a valid token with a verified signature. The result? Anyone can create their own "signed" tokens with whatever payload they want, allowing arbitrary account access on some systems.

Putting together such a token is easy. Modify the above example header to contain

"alg": "none"
instead of
. Make any desired changes to the payload. Use an empty signature (i.e.
signature = ""

Most (hopefully all?) implementations now have a basic check to prevent this attack: if a secret key was provided, then token verification will fail for tokens using the

algorithm. This is a good idea, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem: attackers control the choice of algorithm. Let's keep digging.


The JWT spec also defines a number of asymmetric signing algorithms (based on RSA and ECDSA). With these algorithms, tokens are created and signed using a private key but verified using a corresponding public key. This is pretty neat: if you publish the public key but keep the private key to yourself, only you can sign tokens, but anyone can check if a given token is correctly signed.

Most of the JWT libraries that I've looked at have an API like this:

# sometimes called "decode"
verify(string token, string verificationKey)
# returns payload if valid token, else throws an error

In systems using HMAC signatures,

will be the server's secret signing key (since HMAC uses the same key for signing and verifying):

verify(clientToken, serverHMACSecretKey)

In systems using an asymmetric algorithm,

will be the public key against which the token should be verified:

verify(clientToken, serverRSAPublicKey)

Unfortunately, an attacker can abuse this. If a server is expecting a token signed with RSA, but actually receives a token signed with HMAC, it will think the public key is actually an HMAC secret key.

How is this a disaster? HMAC secret keys are supposed to be kept private, while public keys are, well, public. This means that your typical ski mask-wearing attacker has access to the public key, and can use this to forge a token that the server will accept.

Doing so is pretty straightforward. First, grab your favorite JWT library, and choose a payload for your token. Then, get the public key used on the server as a verification key (most likely in the text-based PEM format). Finally, sign your token using the PEM-formatted public key as an HMAC key. Essentially:

forgedToken = sign(tokenPayload, 'HS256', serverRSAPublicKey)

The trickiest part is making sure that

is identical to the verification key used on the server. The strings must match exactly for the attack to work -- exact same format, and no extra or missing line breaks.

End result? Anyone with knowledge of the public key can forge tokens that will pass verification.

Recommendations for Library Developers

I suggest that JWT libraries add an

parameter to their verification function:

verify(string token, string algorithm, string verificationKey)

The server should already know what algorithm it uses to sign tokens, and it's not safe to allow attackers to provide this value.

Some might argue that some servers need to support more than one algorithm for compatibility reasons. In this case, a separate key can (and should) be used for each supported algorithm. JWT conveniently provides a "key ID" field (

) for exactly this purpose. Since servers can use the key ID to look up the key and its corresponding algorithm, attackers are no longer able to control the manner in which a key is used for verification. In any case, I don't think JWT libraries should even look at the
field in the header, except maybe to check that it matches what the expected algorithm was.

Anyone using a JWT implementation should make sure that tokens with a different signature type are guaranteed to be rejected. Some libraries have an optional mechanism for whitelisting or blacklisting algorithms; take advantage of it, or you might end up at risk. Even better: have a policy of performing security audits on any open source libraries that you use to provide mission-critical functionality.

Improving the JWT/JWS Standard

I would like to propose deprecating the header's

field. As we've seen here, its misuse can have a devastating impact on the security of a JWT/JWS implementation. As far as I can tell, key IDs provide an adequate alternative. This warrants a change to the spec: JWT libraries continue to be written with security flaws due to their dependence on

JWT (and JOSE) present the opportunity to have a cross-platform suite of secure cryptography implementations. With these fixes, hopefully, we're a little bit closer to making that a reality.

Aside: Delegating JWT Implementation to the Experts

JWTs are an integral part of the OpenID Connect standard, an identity layer that sits on top of the OAuth2 framework. Auth0 is an OpenID Connect certified identity platform. This means that if you pick Auth0 you can be sure it is 100% interoperable with any third party system that also follows the specification.

The OpenID Connect specification requires the use of the JWT format for ID tokens, which contain user profile information (such as the user's name and email) represented in the form of claims. These claims are statements about the user, which can be trusted if the consumer of the token can verify its signature.

While the OAuth2 specification doesn't mandate a format for access tokens, used to grant applications access to APIs on behalf of users, the industry has widely embraced the use of JWTs for these as well.

As a developer, you shouldn't have to worry about directly validating, verifying, or decoding authentication-related JWTs in your services. You can use modern SDKs from Auth0 to handle the correct implementation and usage of JWTs, knowing that they follow the latest industry best practices and are regularly updated to address known security risks.

For example, the Auth0 SDK for Single Page Applications provides a method for extracting user information from an ID Token,


If you want to try out the Auth0 platform, sign up for a free account and get started! With your free account, you will have access to the following features:

To learn more about JWTs, their internal structure, the different types of algorithms that can be used with them, and other common uses for them, check out the JWT Handbook.