Check Log Stream Health

You can troubleshoot potential issues with your stream by looking at the Health tab.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Monitoring > Streams.

  2. Locate the log stream you want to check in the list.

    Your log stream can have one of the following statuses:

    • Active: Your stream is enabled with us, and we will attempt to deliver the next log events.

    • Paused: You have requested that we stop delivery attempts for the stream. You can click Resume Stream to change the status back to Active.

    • Disabled: We have disabled your stream because of successive errors. You can click Restart Stream to change the status back to Active and retry delivery for this stream.

  3. Select the more options menu (...) at the end of the stream, and click Health on the drop-down menu. To help diagnose issues with your stream, you can see the last ten errors we encountered while attempting to deliver logs to your stream within the last 5 days.