Resource-specific Documentation

In general, the Deploy CLI resource configuration files closely match the payload schemas of the Auth0 Management API, but there are some notable nuances to be aware of.

Client grants

The Deploy CLI's own client grant is intentionally not exported nor configurable by itself. This is done to prevent breaking changes, otherwise the tool could potentially revoke access or otherwise crash in the midst of an import. In a multi-tenant, multi-environment context, it is expect that new tenants will have a designated client already established for the Deploy CLI, as mentioned in Getting Started.


Multilingual custom text prompts follow a particular hierarchy. Under the root-level prompts resource property is a proprietary customText property that is used to bundle custom text translations with other prompts settings. Underneath customText is the two-character language code. Thirdly is the prompt ID, followed by the screen ID, followed by text ID.


    <LANGUAGE>: # two character language code
      <PROMPT_ID>: # prompt ID
        <SCREEN_ID>: # prompt screen ID
          <TEXT_ID>: 'Some text'

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  identifier_first: true
  universal_login_experience: classic
          description: Login description in english
          buttonText: Button text
          pickAuthenticatorText: 'Try another method'
          reloadButtonText: 'Reload'
          noJSErrorTitle: 'JavaScript Required'
          pageTitle: 'Log in to ${clientName}'
          authenticatorNamesSMS: 'SMS'

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When managing database connections, the values of options.customScripts point to specific javascript files relative to the path of the output folder. Otherwise, the payload closely matches that of the Auth0 Management API.

YAML example

Folder structure when in YAML mode:


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 Contents of tenant.yaml:

  - name: Username-Password-Authentication
    # ...
      # ...
        change_password: ./databases/Username-Password-Authentication/change_password.js
        create: ./databases/Username-Password-Authentication/create.js
        delete: ./databases/Username-Password-Authentication/delete.js
        get_user: ./databases/Username-Password-Authentication/get_user.js
        login: ./databases/Username-Password-Authentication/login.js
        verify: ./databases/Username-Password-Authentication/verify.js

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Directory example

Folder structure when in directory mode:


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Contents of database.json:

  "options": {
    "customScripts": {
      "change_password": "./change_password.js",
      "create": "./create.js",
      "delete": "./delete.js",
      "get_user": "./get_user.js",
      "login": "./login.js",
      "verify": "./verify.js"

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Universal Login


When overriding the Universal Login with custom HTML, the error, login, multi-factor authentication, and password reset contents are organized in specific HTML pages.

YAML example

Folder structure when in YAML mode:


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Contents of tenant.yaml:

  - name: error_page
    html: ./pages/error_page.html
    show_log_link: false
  - name: guardian_multifactor
    enabled: true
    html: ./pages/guardian_multifactor.html
  - name: login
    enabled: false
    html: ./pages/login.html
  - name: password_reset
    enabled: true
    html: ./pages/password_reset.html

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Directory Example

Folder structure when in directory mode:


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Contents of login.json:

  "name": "login",
  "enabled": false,
  "html": "./login.html"

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Contents of error_page.json:

  "html": "./error_page.html",
  "show_log_link": false,
  "url": "",
  "name": "error_page"

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Contents of guardian_multifactor.json:

  "enabled": true,
  "html": "./guardian_multifactor.html",
  "name": "guardian_multifactor"

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Contents of password_reset.json:

  "enabled": true,
  "html": "./password_reset.html",
  "name": "password_reset"

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