Auth0 Extensions

Auth0 Extensions enable you to install applications or run commands/scripts that extend the functionality of the Auth0 base product. Each extension is separate from all other extensions and is subject to Auth0's Rate Limit Policy. Auth0 defines extensions per tenant, so data is stored by the pair tenant\extension.

Read... To learn...                                
Authorization Extension How to use the extension to control user authorization behavior during runtime.
Delegated Administration Extension How to use the extension to expose the Users section of the Auth0 Dashboard to a select group of users without allowing them access to the rest of the Dashboard.
Single Sign-On Dashboard Extension How to use the extension to manage single sign-on login for your users on multiple enterprise applications.
Authentication API Debugger Extension How to use the Authentication API Debugger to test various endpoints.
AD/LDAP Connector How to use the AD/LDAP Connector extension.
Real-Time Webtask Logs Extension How to display all logs in real-time for the custom code in your account including console.log output and exceptions.
Account Link Extension How to use the account link extension.
User Import/Export Extension How to use the user import/export extension.
Export Log Events with Extensions How to use log export extensions to export logs to third-party services such as Application Insights, Loggly, and MixPanel.