Configure Access Token Profile

You can choose which access token profile to use for your APIs: the Auth0 token profile or the RFC 9068 token profile. The access token profile you configure determines the format of the access tokens issued for the API.

By default, Auth0 issues access tokens using the Auth0 token profile. The Auth0 token profile issues access tokens that are formatted as JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which contain information about an entity in the form of claims.

Auth0 also supports the RFC 9068 token profile. The RFC 9068 token profile issues access tokens formatted as JWTs following the IETF JWT Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens (RFC 9068). To learn more about the differences between these token profiles, read Access Token Profiles.

When you register an API, you can select the access token profile in the Auth0 Dashboard. After you’ve registered the API, you can configure the access token profile anytime using the Management API and the Auth0 Dashboard.

Configure access token profile for an API

1. Go to Dashboard > Applications > APIs and click the name of the API to view.

2. Scroll to Access Token Settings and select the access token profile under JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile. The selected profile determines the format and claims of access tokens issued for the API. The supported values are Auth0 and RFC 9068. To read more about the difference between the two profiles, read Access Token Profiles.

3. Click Save.