Enable Organization Connections

You can enable specific connections for each organization to provide users with different login options. After you enable a connection, it is added to the organization login prompt, and users can authenticate through that connection to access your applications.

To enable a connection for an organization, the connection must already exist in your tenant. Supported connections include database connections, social connections, and enterprise connections.

Organization Properties

When using organizations, some connections have additional properties that you can configure:

Property Connection Types Description
Membership On Authentication All connection types When enabled, this property automatically assigns organization membership to end-users the first time they authenticate with the connection.

Membership on Authentication is useful in scenarios where all users with the ability to authenticate with a specific connection can be assumed to be members of an organization.
Organization Signup Database connections only This property determines whether or not end-users can access a signup link on the login prompt that allows them to gain membership to an Organization. To use Organization Signup, you must also enable Membership On Authentication.

Organization Signup is useful is scenarios where users need self-service access to join Organizations, such as:
  • When Organizations are used to model open-membership user populations such as workspaces.
  • In business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) use cases where users can freely sign up for accounts.
Display connection as a button Enterprise connections only This optional property determines whether or not a specific connection displays as an option on the organization login prompt.

Note: If this option is disabled for a connection, end-users can still authenticate via the connection and log in to applications in the context of the organization by sending the connection parameter directly in the authorization request. They can also authenticate with this connection if you are using the Identifier First with Home Realm Discovery authentication profile in combination with the Prompt for Credentials organization login flow.

Configure Organization Connections

You can configure connections for organizations using either the Auth0 Dashboard or the Management API.

Auth0 Dashboard

To enable a connection via the Auth0 Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Auth0 Dashboard > Organizations, and select the organization for which you want to configure connections.

  2. Select the Connections view, then select Enable Connections.

  3. Choose the connection you want to enable, and select Enable Connection.

  4. In the Authentication section, locate Membership On Authentication and choose whether to enable or disable auto-membership. When enabled, auto-membership automatically adds all users logging in with the connection as members of the organization.

  5. For Database connections only: In the Organization Signup section, choose whether to enable or disable self-service signups. When enabled, users can access a signup link on the login prompt to create their account and automatically gain membership to the organization.

    • Note: To enable this property, you must first enable Membership on Authentication.

  6. For Enterprise connections only: In the Connection button section, optionally enable the Display connection as a button property to display the connection as an option on the organization login prompt.

  7. Select Save.