
Add OpenID Connect to Angular Apps Quickly

This tutorial shows you how to add authentication to your Angular App with Auth0

AngularJS 1.0 was released in October 2010. At the time, it was considered one of the most revolutionary and popular web frameworks ever to see the light of day. Developers loved it, and created many apps with it. However, as a pioneer in the JS framework space, AngularJS had some growing pains and significant issues. The team went back to the drawing board for a major breaking release with Angular 2. It took two years to develop and influenced many devs to hop onto other frameworks in the meantime.

Today, five years after Angular 2 was released, we just call it “Angular” and its version numbers have far less meaning. Five years is a long time for a modern JS web framework to live and thrive. If you look at the number of Stack Overflow questions, you’ll see that users struggle with React far more than Angular.

I kid, I kid. 😅

I don’t think Stack Overflow tags indicate that developers have a hard time with the framework; I think they indicate a thriving community. The more people use technology, the more they submit questions for it. lists a score that combines GitHub stars with Stack Overflow tags and says the top six web frameworks are as follows (at the time of this writing):

  1. React
  3. Angular
  4. Ruby on Rails
  5. AngularJS
  6. Vue.js

Angular is still very popular among developers. If you’re developing an Angular app today, you probably need a way to authenticate your users. That’s where OpenID Connect (OIDC) can help you. OIDC is a layer on top of OAuth 2.0 that provides identity.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to add OIDC authentication with Auth0 to a new Angular app in just a few steps.


If you would rather follow along by watching a video, check out the screencast below from the OktaDev YouTube channel.

Create an Angular App

First, you’ll need to create a new Angular app with routing enabled. Install the Angular CLI globally, then create an app.

npm i -g @angular/cli@13
ng new auth0-demo --routing

You’ll be prompted to select your favorite stylesheet format. The selection you make doesn’t matter for this example since we’re focused on functionality rather than updating visuals.

Add Authentication with OpenID Connect

To add authentication with Auth0, you’ll first need a free Auth0 account. Install the Auth0 CLI and run

auth0 login
to register your account. Then, run
auth0 apps create
. Use the name
and specify a description of your choosing. Select Single Page Web Application and use
for the Callback URL. Specify
for the rest of the URLs. We’re using 4200 as the port here because that’s the default for local Angular development.

Auth0 Apps Create

You can also use the Auth0 Console to create an OIDC app:

  • Log in to Auth0 or create an account if you don’t have one. Go to Applications > Create Application.
  • Choose Single Page Web Applications as the application type and click Create.
  • Click Angular, then the Settings tab.
  • Add
    as an Allowed Callback URL and
    as a Logout URL.
  • Specify
    as an Allowed Origin and click Save Changes at the bottom.

Once you have a new Angular app and Auth0 OIDC set up, you can use OktaDev Schematics to add OAuth 2.0 and OIDC support to your Angular app. Be sure to execute this command in the folder for the app itself (

) adjacent to

ng add @oktadev/schematics --auth0

The Auth0 CLI will prompt you for an issuer URL and client ID, which were displayed when setting up the app in Auth0. If you used the CLI, it would have shown the issuer URL right above the client ID.

=== application created

  CLIENT ID            TJgZxGnlSkqUe6JfMFSipZcFsbpl6LS2

This process will perform the following steps for you:

  1. Install the Auth0 Angular SDK.
  2. Add
    with your OIDC configuration and initialization logic.
  3. Configure an
    that adds an
    header with an access token to outbound requests.
  4. Create a
    and configure it with authentication logic.
  5. Update unit tests for
    to mock Auth0.

To see all the changes it makes to your files, see this pull request on GitHub. If you’re interested in learning more about Schematics, I recommend reading my Use Angular Schematics to Simplify Your Life tutorial.

Test your Angular authentication flow


ng serve
in your app, and you should see a login button at

Auth0 Login button

Click the Login button and sign in with one of the configured users for your Auth0 application. Because this is just a demo, you probably haven’t done that - more likely, you should sign up as a new user.

Auth0 Login form

After login, you’ll be redirected back to your app, and you’ll see a Logout button displayed in the bottom left corner.

Auth0 Logout button

Display the authenticated user’s name

To display the authenticated user’s name, you can use the

observable on the


to display a welcome message to the user.

  <button *ngIf="(auth.isAuthenticated$ | async) === false" (click)="login()" id="login">Login</button>
  <div *ngIf="auth.user$ | async as user">
    <h2>Welcome, {{user?.name}}!</h2>
  <button *ngIf="auth.isAuthenticated$ | async" (click)="logout()" id="logout">Logout</button>

Refresh your app, and you should see your name displayed.

Display user's name

If everything works—congrats!

Learn more about Angular and OpenID Connect

I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on using Auth0 and OIDC for authentication in your Angular apps. If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step tutorial, please read The Complete Guide to Angular User Authentication with Auth0.

You can find the source code for the example on GitHub in the @oktadev/auth0-angular-example repository.

To learn more about Angular and OIDC, check out the following blog posts:

The Angular Mini-Book

The Angular Mini-Book

I just published a mini-book book on Angular that might interest you too. It's called The Angular Mini-Book and is available as a free download from InfoQ. The book is written tutorial-style and shows you how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication. You'll also learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot (a popular REST API framework) and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

If you liked this tutorial, chances are you'll like others we publish. Please follow Auth0 and OktaDev on Twitter to get notified when we publish new developer tutorials.