Securing your NodeBots with JSON Web Tokens
NodeBots are amazing! One of the best things about them is that you can connect them to the internet in new and amazing ways. This can include controlling NodeBots via your own Node.JS API!
However, this can lead to some interesting scenarios regarding security-- especially if you choose to control a system like a door lock via NodeBots. Without a cloud service like Particle's Cloud or Electric Imp's agent/client system, security can be tricky! Even with third-party cloud solutions providing basic security, this security mainly covers your API's communication with your NodeBot-- not the internet's communication with your API!
Luckily for us, NodeBots means Node, and Node has several easy-to-use security systems. One way is to use JSON Web Tokens as a bolstered authentication system for your NodeBots server.
What are NodeBots?
Just in case you've never heard of them, NodeBots refers to any project that runs hardware with Node.JS or javascript in some form or another. One of the most popular frameworks for this is johnny-five. An example of a NodeBot is this Rose Pin, which allows people to change the color of the lights inside the rose via a web interface:
JSON Web Tokens
If you've never used JSON Web Tokens, there is some great introductory material at
When using your own Node server for robotics control and code, JSON Web Tokens can provide an extra level of security-- especially when you're stuck on HTTP. JSON Web Tokens use a payload, encryption, and either a secret or private/public key pair in order to provide a signed token that allows you to verify that your NodeBots APIs are only being used by you (or other NodeBots and users that you approve)!
“When using your own Node server for robotics control, JSON Web Tokens can provide an extra level of security”
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In order to use JSON Web Tokens with NodeBots, you'll want to look into jsonwebtoken. This library allows you to create JSON Web Tokens:
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); var myToken = jwt.sign({ user: 'username' }, 'my secret');
method takes a payload (which is a javascript object that will be converted to JSON), and a secret-- JWT, unlike other token types, allows for not only the use of secrets, but the use of public/private key pairs:var cert = fs.readFileSync('private.key'); // get private key var token = jwt.sign({ sensorData: 1024 }, cert, { algorithm: 'RS256'});
Once you have your token, it's safe to pass as an authentication header:
Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoidGVzdCIsImlhdCI6MTQ0NjUyNDM5NH0.NDlWo8qunNFJvU9GGTeniAfUxwV0z38LhgkN57m-hvI
Want to learn even more about JWT tokens before getting started? Check out Auth0's extensive documentation on the subject at You can also read about the different ways to sign JWT's in this blog post.
Using JWT for request authentication
But how do we check for a valid token on our API requests? You can check headers manually using your own methods, but a very easy way is to use express-jwt, an npm module and express middleware. All you have to do is set up this middleware:
var express = require('express'); var jwt = require('express-jwt'); var app = express(); app.use(jwt({ secret: 'my secret'}); app.get('/protected', function(req, res){ res.send('This route requires a JWT to be reached-- this message means you are authenticated!'); });
Now all of your requests to this API will require the authentication header to contain a valid JWT token signed with your secret in order to complete-- otherwise they will return with a 401.
When is this useful for NodeBots?
This technique is mainly useful for Johnny-Five, and other NodeBots projects, that are accessible via the internet. This can include thin clients (e.g. Particle Photons using the Javascript SDK), or Johnny-Five bots that have been made available via local wireless.
This is also useful in situations where you use an external client (be it a client-side app, a different API server, or even a third-party service) to work with your NodeBot. For instance, if you have a GET route that moves a servo, and you don't want someone hacking together a script in a few minutes that takes over movement using that GET request, you can use JWT to lock down that route so only scripts that you've written, containing tokens signed with your secret, can move that servo.
Aside: User Management with Auth0
If you want to provide a user login for your NodeBots project, you can use Auth0 to manage your users and easily create a login dialog! Check out Lock for more information. You can implement Lock easily on your front-end and your Node.JS server with just a few lines of javascript.
For instance, in your web interface's index.html, add
<!-- index.html --> ... <!-- Auth0 Lock script --> <script src="//"></script> ...
To call in the Auth0 Lock script. Then, add a login button:
<!-- index.html --> ... <!-- Login Button --> <input id="btn-login" class="btn-login" type="submit" /> ...
To wrap-up the front-end, add a call to Lock from the login button:
document.getElementById('btn-login').addEventListener('click', function() {, profile, token) { if (err) { // Error callback console.error("Something went wrong: ", err); alert("Something went wrong, check the Console errors"); } else { // Success calback // Save the JWT token. localStorage.setItem('userToken', token); // Save the profile userProfile = profile; document.getElementById('nick').textContent = profile.nickname; } }); });
Then, on your server, we're going to modify our use of express-jwt to work with the JWTs that Auth0 creates to authenticate users:
var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var jwt = require('express-jwt'); var jwtCheck = jwt({ secret: new Buffer('YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET', 'base64'), audience: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID' });
Important API Security Note: If you want to use Auth0 authentication to authorize API requests, note that you'll need to use a different flow depending on your use case. Auth0
should only be used on the client-side. Access tokens should be used to authorize APIs. You can read more about making API calls with Auth0 here.This way, you can easily allow users to log into your NodeBots interface, with just a few lines of JavaScript!
Other tips
Some things to keep in mind when using this method to protect your robotics APIs:
- You can revoke access in multiple ways, quickly: the
API gives you ways to revoke specific tokens, but you can quickly invalidate all tokens by changing your secret.jsonwebtoken
- You can provide a login, but you don't have to!: as long as you can use the API to generate tokens using your secret, you don't need to provide a login interface to the rest of the world.
- Be sure to set expirations on your tokens: security is a "better safe than sorry" topic, so be sure to set a lifetime on your tokens to prevent an old token coming back to haunt you!
Hopefully now you're on your way to taking the first steps to secure communications with your NodeBots APIs! I'd really like to see what you build-- let me know on Twitter.
Aside: Delegating JWT Implementation to the Experts
JWTs are an integral part of the OpenID Connect standard, an identity layer that sits on top of the OAuth2 framework. Auth0 is an OpenID Connect certified identity platform. This means that if you pick Auth0 you can be sure it is 100% interoperable with any third party system that also follows the specification.
The OpenID Connect specification requires the use of the JWT format for ID tokens, which contain user profile information (such as the user's name and email) represented in the form of claims. These claims are statements about the user, which can be trusted if the consumer of the token can verify its signature.
While the OAuth2 specification doesn't mandate a format for access tokens, used to grant applications access to APIs on behalf of users, the industry has widely embraced the use of JWTs for these as well.
As a developer, you shouldn't have to worry about directly validating, verifying, or decoding authentication-related JWTs in your services. You can use modern SDKs from Auth0 to handle the correct implementation and usage of JWTs, knowing that they follow the latest industry best practices and are regularly updated to address known security risks.
For example, the Auth0 SDK for Single Page Applications provides a method for extracting user information from an ID Token,
If you want to try out the Auth0 platform, sign up for a free account and get started! With your free account, you will have access to the following features:
- Universal Login for Web, iOS & Android
- Up to 2 social identity providers (like Twitter and Facebook)
- Unlimited Serverless Rules
To learn more about JWTs, their internal structure, the different types of algorithms that can be used with them, and other common uses for them, check out the JWT Handbook.