Configure Okta as SAML Identity Provider
Before you start
Sign up for an Okta Developer account.
You can configure Okta as a SAML identity provider (IdP) in Auth0 by configuring a SAML Enterprise connection.
Configure Okta SAML app integration
You can create a SAML app integration in the Okta Developer Console.
Create app integration
Log in to the Okta Developer Console.
Go to Create App Integration and choose SAML 2.0 from the options.
Configure the following settings:
Setting Description Example Single Sign-On URL Auth0 tenant login callback URL. https://{yourAuth0Domain}/login/callback?connection={yourAuth0ConnectionName}
Audience URI (SP Entity ID) Auth0 connection audience value. urn:auth0:{yourAuth0TenantName}:{yourAuth0ConnectionName}
Select Next, and then select Finish to complete the Okta app integration configuration.
Record SSO URL and download certificate
The login flow is now directed to the Sign On page for the newly-created app.
Select View SAML Setup Instructions.
Record the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL.
Download the X.509 Certificate in PEM or CER format.
Navigate to Assignments, and then assign a user to the Okta application.
Configure SAML connection in Auth0
You can create a SAML Enterprise connection in the Auth0 Dashboard.
Log in to the Auth0 Dashboard.
Go to Authentication > Enterprise.
Select Create (+ button) next to SAML.
Configure the following settings:
Setting Description Example Connection name Auth0 connection name. myoktaconnection
Sign In URL Okta URL where user login requests are sent.
This is the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL value you recorded previously.
X509 Signing Certificate Okta tenant public key signing certificate.
Upload the X509 Certificate you downloaded previously.myOktaTenantSigningCertificate.pem
Select Create.
Enable SAML Enterprise connection in Auth0
You can enable your SAML Enterprise connection in the Auth0 Dashboard.
Enable SAML Enterprise connection when using Organizations
If you’re using Organizations:
Log in to the Auth0 Dashboard.
Go to Organizations, and select your Organization.
Switch to the Connections view.
Select Enable Connections.
Select the SAML connection you created previously, and then select Enable Connection.
Enable SAML Enterprise connection when not using Organizations
If you’re not using Organizations:
Log in to the Auth0 Dashboard.
Go to Authentication > Enterprise > SAML, and select the SAML connection you created previously.
Switch to the Applications view, and enable the connection for your chosen application(s).
Test connection
You can test your connection in the Auth0 Dashboard.
Log in to the Auth0 Dashboard.
Locate your connection in the list.
Select More Actions (... button), and then select Try.
If your connection is configured correctly, you'll see the It works! screen.
If not, you’ll see an error message with details about what went wrong.
Configure Global Token Revocation
This connection type supports a Global Token Revocation endpoint, which allows a compliant identity provider to revoke Auth0 user sessions, revoke refresh tokens, and trigger back-channel logout for applications using a secure back-channel.
This feature can be used with Universal Logout in Okta Workforce Identity.
For more information and configuration instructions, see Universal Logout.