Disable Refresh Token Rotation

You can disable refresh token rotation for each application using Dashboard or the Management API.

Disable with the Dashboard

  1. From the Auth0 Dashboard, navigate to Applications > Applications and select the application you wish to configure.

  2. On the Settings tab, locate the Refresh Token Rotation section and disable the Allow Refresh Token Rotation toggle.

  3. Select Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.

Disable with the Management API

  1. Disable refresh token rotation for each application using the Management API:

    const auth0 = await createAuth0Client({
          domain: '{yourDomain}',
          client_id: '{yourClientId}',
          audience: '{yourApiIdentifier}',
          useRefreshTokens: false



  2. Configure the non-rotating refresh token settings as follows:

    PATCH /api/v2/clients/{client_id}
          "refresh_token": {
        "rotation_type": "non-rotating",
        "expiration_type": "non-expiring"



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