Monitor Passkey Events in Tenant Logs

You can monitor passkey flows associated with your database connections through tenant logs.

You can view log events in the Auth0 Dashboard (Monitoring > Logs) or retrieve logs using the Management API.

Event code Scenario Notes
ss During signup, a user registered a passkey as their primary authentication method. This log event contains the details.authentication_methods array field with the entry value passkey.

If a user registered with a password, this array field contains the entry value pwd.
s During login, a user authenticated with a passkey. This log event contains the details.prompts array which lists the set of prompts a user navigated through during login.

If a user authenticated using a passkey, the array contains an element with the following field: "performed_amr": ["phr"].
gd_enrollment_complete A progressive or local enrollment flow was successfully completed. This log event contains the details.authenticator.type field with the value passkey if a user enrolled a passkey.
gd_webauthn_enrollment_failed An error occurred during a progressive or local enrollment flow. This log event contains the details.authentication_methods array field with the entry value passkey if a user tried to enroll a passkey.