MFA Theme Language Dictionary


return new Auth0MFAWidget({


  defaultLocation : ['United Kingdom', 'GB', '+44'],





The languageDictionary can be used to override the text for many areas of the MFA process on the Classic Login experience. You do this with the following format:

    option: value



Here is an example, modifying the headerText attribute in smsEnrollmentConfirm:

return new Auth0MFAWidget({


  languageDictionary:{ // Use the Language Dictionary option
    smsEnrollmentConfirm:{  // Indicate which category/section you are modifying
      headerText: "Some custom text - In order to confirm enrollment we need to confirm your phone. Please enter the received code." // Provide the new value for the specific attribute you wish to modify





See below for a list of available categories and options.

languageDictionary options

defaults: {
  iddleHelpUrl: '#',
  rememberBrowserCheckbox: 'Remember this browser',
  title: 'Login to {tenantName}'

downloadApp: {
  headerText: 'Download Auth0 Guardian for free:',
  pushEnrollmentAction: 'I\'ve already downloaded it',
  smsAndTotpEnrollmentActions: 'I\'d rather use <sms>SMS</sms> or <ga>Google Authenticator</ga>',
  pushAndTotpEnrollmentActions: 'I\'d rather use <push>Guardian</push> or <ga>Google Authenticator</ga>',
  pushAndSmsEnrollmentActions: 'I\'d rather use <push>Guardian</push> or <sms>SMS</sms>',
  totpEnrollmentActions: 'I\'d rather use <ga>Google Authenticator</ga>',
  smsEnrollmentActions: 'I\'d rather use <sms>SMS</sms>',
  pushEnrollmentActions: 'I\'d rather use <push>Guardian</push>',
  iosLabel: 'App Store',
  iosUrl: '',
  iosImg: '<svg width="27px" height="33px" viewBox="37 22 27 33" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="auth0-mfa-svg-icon"><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(37.000000, 22.000000)"><path d="M22.0964148,17.5965957 C22.0594667,13.4821277 25.4586963,11.4804255 25.6141333,11.387234 C23.6890074,8.57489362 20.7051259,8.1906383 19.656563,8.16 C17.1504593,7.89574468 14.7195259,9.66255319 13.4429037,9.66255319 C12.1408,9.66255319 10.1749037,8.18553191 8.05611852,8.22893617 C5.3296,8.27106383 2.7789037,9.85276596 1.37997037,12.3089362 C-1.50708148,17.3170213 0.646103704,24.6765957 3.41211852,28.7246809 C4.79576296,30.707234 6.41256296,32.9208511 8.5288,32.8429787 C10.5991704,32.7574468 11.3725333,31.5204255 13.8709926,31.5204255 C16.3465185,31.5204255 17.0727407,32.8429787 19.2310222,32.7931915 C21.4530074,32.7574468 22.8519407,30.8017021 24.1871704,28.8012766 C25.7861333,26.5289362 26.4282667,24.2910638 26.4537481,24.1761702 C26.4015111,24.1582979 22.1384593,22.5280851 22.0964148,17.5965957 L22.0964148,17.5965957 Z" fill="#FFFFFF"></path><path d="M18.0193778,5.49702128 C19.1329185,4.10170213 19.8948148,2.20340426 19.6833185,0.277021277 C18.0716148,0.348510638 16.0560296,1.39404255 14.8953481,2.7587234 C13.8684444,3.9612766 12.9511111,5.93234043 13.1880889,7.78595745 C14.9985481,7.9212766 16.8574222,6.8706383 18.0193778,5.49702128 L18.0193778,5.49702128 Z" fill="#FFFFFF"></path></g></svg>',
  androidLabel: 'Google Play',
  androidUrl: '',
  androidImg: '<svg width="30px" height="34px" viewBox="35 22 30 34" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="auth0-mfa-svg-icon"><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(35.000000, 22.000000)"><polygon fill="#ffffff" points="0.0311829399 32.9244984 0.0311829399 1.02956758 16.5681333 17.6173695"></polygon><polygon fill="#ffffff" points="0.60957618 0.0196753921 17.3854403 16.8471259 22.6948251 11.782715"></polygon><polygon fill="#ffffff" transform="translate(11.025248, 26.014581) scale(1, -1) translate(-11.025248, -26.014581)" points="0.60957618 18.1008562 17.3854403 33.9283067 21.4409189 29.8631472"></polygon><path d="M18.3964257,17.493946 L23.8211074,12.6992188 L28.7813766,15.7894686 C29.3871829,16.1668862 29.4042508,16.7930368 28.8086222,17.1953618 L22.3003286,21.5914726 L18.3964257,17.493946 Z" fill="#ffffff"></path></g></svg>'

pushAuth: {
  pushSent: {
    useTotpFallback: 'If you haven\'t received the notification,<br></br>just <manualInput>enter the code</manualInput> manually.'

  pushTimeout: {
    resendAction: 'Resend push notification',
    timeoutText: 'Didn\'t receive the push notification?',
    useRecoveryCode: 'Lost your device? <recovery>Use the recovery code</recovery>',
    useTotpFallback: '<manualInput>Enter the code manually</manualInput>'

totpAuth: {
  codePlaceholder: 'Enter the 6-digit code',
  headerText: 'Get a verification code from the Google Authenticator (or similar) app:',
  useRecoveryCode: 'Lost your device? <recovery>Use the recovery code</recovery>'

smsAuth: {
  codePlaceholder: 'Enter the 6-digit code',
  headerText: 'Enter the 6-digit code we\'ve just sent to your phone.',
  useRecoveryCode: 'Lost your device? <recovery>Use the recovery code</recovery>'

guardianTotpAuth: {
  codePlaceholder: 'Enter the 6-digit code',
  headerText: 'Get a verification code from the Auth0 Guardian app.'

recoveryCodeAuth: {
  codePlaceholder: 'Enter your code here',
  headerText: 'We will generate a new recovery code<br />once you\'ve logged in:'

pushEnrollment: {
  headerText: 'Scan this code with Auth0 Guardian:'

enrollmentCongrats: {
  congrats: 'Congratulations, you are all set.<br />In the future when logging in you\'ll want your device handy.',
  continueButtonText: 'Continue'

reportRecoveryCode: {
  headerText: 'In the event that you need to login without your device you\'ll need a recovery code. Take a note and keep this somewhere safe:',
  confirmationLabel: 'I have safely recorded this code'

generalError: {
  errorsRecoveryHelp: {
    default: 'Looks like something went wrong.<br />Please try logging in again from the application.',

    globalTransactionExpired: 'The login was not successful.<br />Please try again.',

    // Auth0 Server Errors
    guardianInvalidNonce: 'Please try logging in again from the application.',
    guardianInvalidToken: 'Please try logging in again from the application.',
    invalidLoginTokenStatus: 'Please try logging in again from the application.',
    loginTokenInvalidSignature: 'Please try logging in again from the application.',
    loginTokenTransactionExpired: 'Please try logging in again from the application.'

smsEnrollmentConfirm: {
  codePlaceholder: 'Enter the 6-digit code',
  headerText: 'In order to confirm enrollment we need to confirm your phone. Please enter the received code.'

totpEnrollment: {
  codePlaceholder: 'Enter your passcode here',
  headerText: 'Scan this QR code with Google Authenticator (or similar) app:',
  troubleScanning: 'Trouble Scanning ?'

totpEnrollmentCode: {
  codePlaceholder: 'Enter your passcode here',
  headerText: 'Manually enter the following code into your preferred authenticator app and then enter the provided one-time code below.',
  copyCodeButton: 'Copy code'

smsEnrollmentAddPhoneNumber: {
  headerText: 'Please enter your phone<br />in order to enroll.',
  phoneNumberLabel: 'A code will be sent to this number:',
  phoneNumberPlaceholder: 'Your phone number'
  // countryCodes: { 'US': 'Translation of United States', ... '<country code>': '<translation>' }

authCongrats: {
  congrats: 'We have verified your identity. Redirecting...',
  congratsNoRedirect: 'We have verified your identity.',
  continueButtonText: 'Continue'

errorMessages: {
  alreadyEnrolled: 'You are already enrolled, cannot enroll again',
  authMethodDisabled: 'The specified authentication method is disabled',
  connectionError: 'Looks like we cannot contact our server. Please check your internet connection and retry.',
  default: 'Looks like something went wrong. Please retry.',
  defaultRequest: 'Looks like we found a problem contacting our server. Please retry.',
  enrollmentConflict: 'Seems that you have already enrolled. Try logging in again from the application.',
  enrollmentMethodDisabled: 'The specified enrollment method is disabled',
  enrollmentNotFound: 'We couldn\'t find your enrollment. You\'ve probably started enrollment from another device. Finish it there or try logging in again from the application.',
  enrollmentTransactionNotFound: 'The mfa enrollment transaction is not active or has expired. Please try again.',
  errorSendingPushNotification: 'We found an error sending your notification. Please try again.',
  errorSendingPushNotificationManualFallback: 'We could not send the push. Please enter the code manually.',
  errorSendingSms: 'We found an error sending your code. Please try again in a few seconds.',
  errorSendingSmsManualFallback: 'We could not send the sms. Please try the recovery code.',
  featureDisabled: 'This module is currently disabled.',
  featureDisabledByAdmin: 'This module was disabled by the admin.',
  fieldRequired: 'Please fill out required field.',
  globalTransactionExpired: 'Your login attempt has timed out.',
  guardianInvalidNonce: 'There was a problem authenticating your request origin. Have you started too many parallel logins?',
  guardianInvalidToken: 'There was a problem validating authentication request format.',
  insufficientScope: 'Seems that you are not authorized to perform this action.',
  invalidBearerFormat: 'Seems that you are not authorized to perform this action.',
  invalidLoginTokenStatus: 'Unexpected state validating your request.',
  invalidOtp: 'Seems that your code is not valid, please check and retry.',
  invalidOtpFormat: 'OTP Code must have 6 numeric characters',
  invalidPhoneNumber: 'Seems that your phone number is not valid. Please check and retry.',
  invalidRecoveryCode: 'Seems that your recovery code is not valid. Please check and try again.',
  invalidRecoveryCodeFormat: 'Recovery code must have 24 alphanumeric characters',
  invalidToken: 'Seems that you are not authorized to perform this action.',
  loginRejected: 'Auth has been rejected. Try again.',
  loginTokenInvalidSignature: 'We cannot verify who seems to be the issuer for this request',
  loginTokenTransactionExpired: 'Your authentication request is expired. Is your connection slow?',
  loginTransactionNotFound: 'Seems that your device has taken too long to login. Please try again.',
  noMethodAvailable: 'There is currently no authentication method available.',
  noPublicKeyAvailable: 'We cannot verify your identity. Contact tenant admin.',
  pnEndpointDisabled: 'Seems that we cannot deliver messages to your cell phone. Please try again.',
  pushNotificationNotConfigured: 'Seems that enrollment was not finished. Please try logging in again from the application.',
  pushNotificationWrongCredentials: 'Seems that your device credentials are outdated. Please re-enroll your device or wait for them to be updated.',
  smsNotConfigured: 'You cannot use this module because you\'ve enrolled with a different one.',
  // tenant_not_found | The tenant associated cannot be found. Should not normally happen at least that you delete the tenant
  tooManyPn: 'You have exceeded the amount of push notifications per minute. Please wait and try again.',
  tooManyPnPerTenant: 'There are too many push requests right now. Wait a few minutes and try again.',
  tooManySms: 'You have exceeded the amount of SMSs per hour. Wait a few minutes and try again.',
  tooManySmsPerTenant: 'There are too many SMSs right now.  Wait a few minutes and try again.'
  // | transaction_expired | The transaction has already expired |

successMessages: {
  auth: 'We have successfully verified your identity. Redirecting...',
  pushSent: 'We\'ve sent a push to: {enrollmentName}',
  smsSent: 'We\'ve sent an sms to: {phoneNumber}'

infoMessages: {
  iddle: 'Can we help you?<br></br><iddleHelp>Click here to learn more</iddleHelp>'



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