Variables and helper functions

Variables allow you to access data contained in Forms and Flows to create custom business logic and automations.

Some basic considerations to using variables are:

  • Variables are surrounded by curly brackets {{ variable }}.

  • If a variable doesn't exist or can't be resolved, it has the same effect as an undefined variable.

  • You can use nullish operators to handle null or undefined variables, for example:{{ ??}}.

Available variables

You can use different types of variables to reference and transform data you gather from customers with Forms and Flows.

Variable Syntax Where Description
Context {{context.*}} Forms / Flows Reference context data of the current transaction
Form fields {{fields.*}} Forms / Flows Reference data from your form fields and hidden fields
Shared variables {{vars.*}} Forms / Flows Reference data stored as shared variables
Flow actions output {{actions.*}} Flows Reference data from the output response of previous flow actions
Helper functions {{functions.*}} Forms / Flows Helper functions to transform data

Context variables

Forms and flows automatically inherit context variables from the current transaction. You can access the following context variables:

  • The user object, with access to the following properties:

    • user.user_id

    • user.username


    • user.given_name

    • user.family_name

    • user.nickname


    • user.email_verified

    • user.phone_number

    • user.phone_verified

    • user.picture

    • user.user_metadata

    • user.app_metadata

    • user.created_at

    • user.updated_at

    • user.last_password_reset

    • user.identities

  • The organization object, with access to the following properties:



    • organization.display_name

    • organization.metadata

  • The client object, with access to the following properties:

    • client.client_id


  • The tenant object, with access to the following property:


  • The transaction object, with access to the following property:

    • transaction.state


  "user": {
    "user_id": "auth0|658409...",
    "name": "",
    "nickname": "ana",
    "email": "",
    "email_verified": true,
    "picture": "",
    "user_metadata": {},
    "app_metadata": {},
    "created_at": "2023-12-21T09:46:40.487Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-05-07T10:44:26.271Z",
    "last_password_reset": "2023-12-21T09:49:08.932Z",
    "identities": [
        "user_id": "6584...",
        "isSocial": false,
        "provider": "auth0",
        "connection": "Username-Password-Authentication"
  "client": {
    "client_id": "xpeg5...",
    "name": "My App"
  "tenant": {
    "name": "tenant-testing"
  "transaction": {
    "state": "hKFo2SBId2M0..."



For example:  {{context.user.user_id}} references the user_id of the user object.

Dashboard > Forms > Flows

Form fields variables

Field variables contain data collected from the user from input fields in the form and data from hidden fields. The data of each field varies depending on the field type. For example: {{fields.first_name}} references the input value of a field with the ID first_name.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Form

Flow output actions variables

When a flow action is executed, it generates an output object response that can be referenced in subsequent actions. For example: {{actions.generate_otp.code}} references the output code of the action with ID generate_otp.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Flows

Shared variables

You can store variables to be shared with subsequent flows or even with form components in the same transaction. Shared variables are ephemeral and are associated with a specific form journey. Their values cannot be accessed outside of that journey. For example: {{vars.external_id}} references the value of a shared variable with ID external_id.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Flows

Helper functions

Helper functions let you transform data and perform simple operations. For example: {{functions.toString(fields.privacy_policies)}} transform the value of the field with ID privacy_policies using the toString() function.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Flows

The available helper functions are:

Function Description Example
toArray(value) Converts value to an array {{ functions.toArray('abc') }} // ['abc']
toBoolean(value) Converts value to a boolean value {{ functions.toBoolean(1) }} // true

{{ functions.toBoolean(0) }} // false
length(value) Returns the length of the parameter value {{ functions.length('auth0') }} // 5
mask(value) Masks a value to avoid be exposed in Executions {{ functions.mask('my_awesome_secret') }} // ███
toNumber(value) Converts value to a number {{ functions.toNumber('123') }} // 123
random(min, max, [boolean]) Returns a random number between the inclusive min and max {{ functions.random(0, 6) }} // 4

{{ functions.random(0, 6, true) }} // 3.8523497...
slice(value, start, end) Returns a section of a value array or string between the start and end indexes {{ functions.slice( 'example', 3, 5) }} // 'mp'
toString(value) Converts value to a string {{ functions.toString(123) }} // '123'
substring(value, start, end) Returns a section of a value between the start and end indexes. Read about the differences of slice and substring functions {{ functions.substring( 'example’', 3, 5) }} // 'mp'
toTimestamp() Returns the current UNIX timestamp {{ functions.toTimestamp() }} // 1628761483
toTimestamp(date) Returns the provided date in UNIX time {{ functions.toTimestamp('2021-04-30T10:02:50.876Z') }} // 1619776970
toTimestamp(date) Returns the provided date in UNIX time {{ functions.toTimestamp('2021-04-30T10:02:50.876Z') }} // 1619776970
replaceAll(value, string, replacement) Returns a new string with all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement {{ functions.replaceall('2021-04-30', '-', '/') }} // 2021/04/30
replace(value, string, replacement) Returns a new string with all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement. If pattern is a string, only the first occurence will be replaced. {{ functions.replace('2021-04-30', '-', '/') }} // 2021/04-30
split(value, separator, limit?) Returns an ordered list of substrings divided by the separator. {{ functions.split('2021-04-30', '-') }} // ['2021', '04', '30']
now() Returns the current date in ISO 8601 format. {{ }} // 2021-04-30T10:31:28.576Z
includes(collection, item, fromIndex?) Returns whether an array includes a certain value among its entries. {{ functions.includes(['auth0', 'identity', 'authentication'], 'identity') }} // true
indexOf(collection, item, fromIndex?) Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present. {{ functions.indexOf(['auth0', 'identity', 'authentication'], 'identity') }} // 1
merge(base, value) Returns a merged array, object or concatenates a string depending on the base data type. {{ functions.merge(['auth0', 'identity'], ['authentication']) }} // ['auth0', 'identity', 'authentication']
md5(value) Returns a MD5 hashed value. {{ functions.md5('auth0') }} // 7bbb597...
sha1(value) Returns a SHA1 hashed value. {{ functions.sha1('auth0') }} // b4ec5339...
sha256(value) Returns a SHA256 hashed value. {{ functions.sha256('auth0') }} // d9082bdc...
sha512(value) Returns a SHA512 hashed value. {{ functions.sha512('auth0') }} // c0d588069d...
uuid() Returns a random v4 UUID {{ functions.uuid() }} // 36b8f84d-df4e-4d49-b662-bcde71a8764

Variables best practices

Use meaningful IDs

When you add a Form field or a Flow action, the ID is automatically generated. 

Update the ID to a more descriptive value so you can identify the information it contains. For example, if you create a Form field that stores the user’s first name, update the ID to first_name.

Be mindful when updating existing IDs

If a variable is already in use and you need to modify the ID, identify where you have referenced it and update the ID accordingly to avoid undefined or empty values.

Check Flow executions

If you see an unexpected variable value, use the Executions view to troubleshoot the variable.

Use the autocomplete menu

The autocomplete menu helps you locate and properly reference existing variables.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > FlowsDashboard > Actions > Forms > Form