Reset Password screen classes

Reset Password screen class

The Reset Password screen class is part of the Identifier First Authentication flow and resets the user's password.

ACUL Reset password

Import and instantiate the Reset Password screen class

import ResetPassword from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password';
const resetPasswordManager = new ResetPassword();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "signup-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { login: "/login_url"} 

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The Reset Password screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The Reset Password screen class method is:

resetPassword( options? )

This method prompts the user for an email to send instructions to reset their password.

import ResetPassword from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password';

const resetPassword = new ResetPassword();
   'password-reset': 'Test@123!',
   're-enter-password': 'Test@123!',

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
password string Yes The user's password.
re-enter-password string Yes The user's password.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Additional data collected from the user.

Reset Password Email screen class

The Reset Password Email screen class is part of the Identifier First Authentication flow and sends the user email instructions to reset their password.

ACUL Reset_password_email

Import and instantiate the Reset Password Email screen class

import ResetPasswordEmail from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password-email';
const resetPasswordEmailManager = new ResetPasswordEmail();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "signup-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { login: "/login_url"} 

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The Reset Password Email screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The Reset Password Email screen class method is:

resendEmail( options? )

This method resends an email with instructions to reset their password. .

import ResetPasswordEmail from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password-email';

const resetPasswordEmail = new ResetPasswordEmail();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Additional data collected from the user.

Reset Password Error screen class

The Reset Password Error screen class is part of the Identifier First Authentication flow and sends the user back to your application.

ACUL reset password error

Import and instantiate the Reset Password Error screen class

import ResetPasswordError from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password-error';
const resetPasswordErrorManager = new ResetPasswordError();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "signup-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { login: "/login_url"} 

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The Reset Password Error screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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Reset Password Request screen class

The Reset Password Request screen class is part of the Identifier First Authentication flow and prompts the user for an email to send reset password instructions.

Reset Password

Import and instantiate the Reset Password Request screen class

import ResetPasswordRequest from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password-request';
const resetPasswordRequestManager = new ResetPasswordRequest();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "signup-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { login: "/login_url"} 

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The Reset Password Request screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The Reset Password Request screen class method are:

backToLogin( options? )

This method takes the user back your application to login.

import ResetPasswordRequest from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password-request';

const resetPasswordRequest = new ResetPasswordRequest();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

resetPassword( options? )

This method prompts the user to enter their email address or username to receive reset password instructions.

import ResetPasswordRequest from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password-request';

const resetPasswordRequest = new ResetPasswordRequest();
resetPasswordRequest.resetPassword({ username: 'testuser' });

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
captcha string Conditionally The captcha code or response from the captcha provider. This property is required if your Auth0 tenant has Bot Detection enabled.
email string Conditionally The user’s email.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Additional data collected from the user.

Reset Password Success screen class

The Reset Password Success screen class is part of the Identifier First Authentication flow and confirms the password change and returns the user to your application.

ACUL Request password success

Import and instantiate the Reset Password Success screen class

import ResetPasswordSuccess from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/reset-password-success';
const resetPasswordSuccessManager = new ResetPasswordSuccess();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "signup-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { login: "/login_url"} 

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The Reset Password Success screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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