Multi-Factor Authentication screen classes

MFA Begin Enroll Options screen class

The MFA Begin Enroll Options screen class handles the selection and enrollment of MFA factors.


Import and instantiate the MFA Begin Enroll Options screen class:

import MfaBeginEnrollOptions from "@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-begin-enroll-options";
const mfaBeginEnrollOptionsManager = new MfaBeginEnrollOptions();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { signup: "/signup_url", reset_password: "/reset_password_url"} 

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The MFA Begin Enroll Options screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Begin Enroll Options screen class method is:

enroll( options ?)

This method continues the enrollment process with the selected MFA option.

const mfaBeginEnrollOptions = new MfaBeginEnrollOptions();
await mfaBeginEnrollOptions.enroll({
  action: 'push-notification'

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Parameter Type Required Description
action FactorType: | push-notification | otp | sms | phone | voice | webauth-roaming Yes The selected multi-factor authentication option.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Additional data collected from the user.

MFA Detect Browser Capabilities screen class

The MFA Detect Browser Capabilities screen class detects browser capabilities for MFA authentication methods.

Import and instantiate the MFA Detect Browser Capabilities screen class:

import MfaDetectBrowserCapabilities from "@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-detect-browser-capabilities
const mfaDetectBrowserCapabilitiesManager = new MfaDetectBrowserCapabilities();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { signup: "/signup_url", reset_password: "/reset_password_url"} 

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The MFA Detect Browser Capabilities screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Detect Browser Capabilities screen class method is:

detectCapabilities( options ?)

This method allows you to select an authenticator based on browser capabilities.

const mfaDetectBrowserCapabilities = new MfaDetectBrowserCapabilities();
await mfaDetectBrowserCapabilities.detectCapabilities();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

MFA Enroll Result screen class

The MFA Enroll Result screen class allows users to select an enrolled email address for MFA.

Import and instantiate the MFA Enroll Result screen class:

import MfaEnrollResult from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-enroll-result';
const mfaEnrollResult = new MfaEnrollResult();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean;

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The MFA Enroll Result screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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MFA Login Options screen class

The MFA Login Options screen class allows users to select which MFA factor to use for login.

Import and instantiate the MFA Login Options screen class:

import MfaLoginOptions from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-login-options';
const mfaLoginOptions = new MfaLoginOptions();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean;

// SDK Methods return an object or array
await mfaLoginOptions.enroll({
  action: 'push-notification'

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The MFA Login Options screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Login Options screen class method is:

enroll( options ?)

This method continues the login process with the selected MFA option.

const mfaLoginOptions = new MfaLoginOptions();
await mfaLoginOptions.enroll({
  action: 'push-notification'

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Parameter Type Required Description
action LoginFactorType: | push-notification | otp | sms | phone | voice | email | recovery-code | webauthn-platform | webauth-roaming | duo Yes The selected multi-factor authentication option to login.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Additional data collected from the user.