Multi-Factor Authentication SMS screen classes

MFA SMS Challenge screen class

The MFA SMS Challenge screen class provides methods associated with the mfa-sms-challenge screen.

Import and instantiate the MFA SMS Challenge screen class:

import MfaSmsChallenge from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-challenge';
const mfaSmsChallenge = new MfaSmsChallenge();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
await mfaSmsChallenge.continueMfaSmsChallenge({
  code: '123456',
  rememberBrowser: true,

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The MFA SMS Challenge screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA SMS Challenge screen class method are:

continueMfaSmsChallenge( options ?)

This method submits the entered verification code and rememberBrowser option.

import MfaSmsChallenge from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-challenge';

const mfaSmsChallenge = new MfaSmsChallenge();
await mfaSmsChallenge.continueMfaSmsChallenge({
  code: '123456',
  rememberBrowser: true,

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
code string Yes The code entered by the user.
rememberBrowser boolean No Remember the user's browser configuration.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

getACall( options ?)

This method allows to send the verification code by voice call verification.

import MfaSmsChallenge from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-challenge';

const mfaSmsChallenge = new MfaSmsChallenge();
await mfaSmsChallenge.getACall();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

pickSms( options ?)

This methods allows the user to select a different SMS configuration, if available.

import MfaSmsChallenge from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-challenge';

const mfaSmsChallenge = new MfaSmsChallenge();
await mfaSmsChallenge.pickSms();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

resendCode( options ?)

This methods resends the SMS code.

import MfaSmsChallenge from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-challenge';

const mfaSmsChallenge = new MfaSmsChallenge();
await mfaSmsChallenge.resendCode();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

tryAnotherMethod( options ?)

This method submits the action to try another MFA method.

import MfaSmsChallenge from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-challenge';

const mfaSmsChallenge = new MfaSmsChallenge();
await mfaSmsChallenge.tryAnotherMethod();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

MFA SMS Enrollment screen class

The MFA SMS Enrollment screen class provides methods associated with the mfa-sms-challenge screen.

Import and instantiate the MFA SMS Enrollment screen class:

import MfaSmsEnrollment from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-enrollment';
const mfaSmsEnrollment = new MfaSmsEnrollment();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
await mfaSmsEnrollment.pickCountryCode();

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The MFA SMS Enrollment screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA SMS Enrollment screen class method are:

continueEnrollment( options ?)

This method continues the SMS enrollment process with the provided phone number.

import MfaSmsEnrollment from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-enrollment';

const mfaSmsEnrollment = new MfaSmsEnrollment();
await mfaSmsEnrollment.continueEnrollment({ phone: '1234567890' });

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
captcha string Conditionally The captcha code or response from the captcha provider.
phone string No The phone number entered by the user.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

pickCountryCode( options ?)

This method handles the action to select a country code for SMS enrollment.

import MfaSmsEnrollment from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-enrollment';

const mfaSmsEnrollment = new MfaSmsEnrollment();
await mfaSmsEnrollment.pickCountryCode();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

tryAnotherMethod( options ?)

This method handles the action to try another method for MFA.

import MfaSmsEnrollment from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-enrollment';

const mfaSmsEnrollment = new MfaSmsEnrollment();
await mfaSmsEnrollment.tryAnotherMethod();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

MFA SMS List screen class

The MFA SMS List screen class provides methods associated with the mfa-sms-list screen.

Import and instantiate the MFA SMS List screen class:

import MfaSmsList from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-list';
const mfaSmsList = new MfaSmsList();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { signup: "/signup_url", reset_password: "/reset_password_url"} 
await mfaSmsList.backAction();

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The MFA SMS List class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA SMS List screen class method are:

backAction( options ?)

This method allows the user to navigate to the previous screen.

import MfaSmsList from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-list';

const mfaSmsList = new MfaSmsList();
await mfaSmsList.backAction();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

selectPhoneNumber( options ?)

This method allows the user to select a phone number from the list of enrolled phone numbers.

import MfaSmsList from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-sms-list';

const mfaSmsList = new MfaSmsList();
await mfaSmsList.selectPhoneNumber({
  index: 0 // for demonstration we are selecting the first index

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
index number Yes The index of the Phone number to select.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

MFA Country Codes screen class

The MFA Country Codes screen class allows users to select a country code for MFA phone number verification.

Import and instantiate the MFA Country Codes screen class:

import MfaCountryCodes from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-country-codes';
const mfaCountryCodesManager = new MfaCountryCodes();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
// ex. { signup: "/signup_url", reset_password: "/reset_password_url"} 
await mfaCountryCodesManager.selectCountryCode({
 action: 'selection-action::US1'

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The MFA Country Codes screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Country Codes screen class method are:

goBack( options ?)

This method navigates the user to the previous screen.

import MfaCountryCodes from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-country-codes';

const mfaCountryCodes = new MfaCountryCodes();
await mfaCountryCodes.goBack();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

selectCountryCode( options ?)

This method allows the user to select a country code.

import MfaCountryCodes from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-country-codes';

const mfaCountryCodes = new MfaCountryCodes();

// Get the available country codes and phone prefixes
const { screen } = mfaCountryCodes;
const { phone_prefixes } =
const {country_code, phone_prefix} = phone_prefixes[0]

await mfaCountryCodes.selectCountryCode({
  country_code: 'US',
  phone_prefix: '+1',

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
country_code string Yes Country code to select.
phone_prefix string Yes Phone prefix to select.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.