Multi-Factor Authentication Push screen classes

MFA Push Challenge Push screen class

The MFA Push Challenge Push screen class is displayed when a push notification has been sent to user's device.

Import and instantiate the MFA Push Challenge Push screen class:

import MfaPushChallengePush from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-challenge-push';
const mfaPushChallengePush = new MfaPushChallengePush();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean;

// SDK Methods return an object or array
await mfaPushChallengePush.continue();

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The MFA Push Challenge Push screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Push Challenge Push screen class method are:

continue( options ?)

This method continues with the push notification challenge.

const mfaPushChallengePush = new MfaPushChallengePush();
await mfaPushChallengePush.continue();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

enterCodeManually( options ?)

This method allows the user to enter the verification code manually.

const mfaPushChallengePush = new MfaPushChallengePush();
await mfaPushChallengePush.enterCodeManually();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

resendPushNotification( options ?)

This method resends the push notification.

const mfaPushChallengePush = new MfaPushChallengePush();
await mfaPushChallengePush.resendPushNotification();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

tryAnotherMethod( options ?)

This method allows the user to try another authentication method.

const mfaPushChallengePush = new MfaPushChallengePush();
await mfaPushChallengePush.tryAnotherMethod();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

MFA Push Enrollment QR screen class

The MFA Push Enrollment QR screen class implements the scan QR code screen.

Import and instantiate the MFA Push Enrollment QR screen class:

import MfaPushEnrollmentQr from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-enrollment-qr';
const mfaPushEnrollmentQr = new MfaPushEnrollmentQr();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
await mfaPushEnrollmentQr.pickAuthenticator();

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The MFA Push Enrollment QR screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Push Enrollment QR screen class method is:

pickAuthenticator( options ?)

This method navigates the user to the authenticator selection screen.

import MfaPushEnrollmentQr from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-enrollment-qr';

const mfaPushEnrollmentQr = new MfaPushEnrollmentQr();
await mfaPushEnrollmentQr.pickAuthenticator();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

MFA Push List screen class

The MFA Push List screen class implements the mfa-push-list screen functionality.

Import and instantiate the MFA Push List screen class:

import MfaPushList from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-list';
const mfaPushList = new MfaPushList();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
await mfaPushList.selectMfaPushDevice({ deviceIndex: 0 });

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The MFA Push List screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Push List screen class method are:

goBack( options ?)

This method allows the user to navigate to previous screen.

import MfaPushList from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-list';

const mfaPushList = new MfaPushList();
await mfaPushList.goBack();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

selectMfaPushDevice( options ?)

This method allows the user to select from a list of registered device to initiate MFA push.

import MfaPushList from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-list';

const mfaPushList = new MfaPushList();
await mfaPushList.selectMfaPushDevice({ deviceIndex: 0 });

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
deviceIndex number Yes The index of the device to select from the list of enrolled devices.
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

MFA Push Welcome screen class

The MFA Push Welcome screen class initializes the MfaPushWelcome screen with data from the Universal Login Context.

Import and instantiate the MFA Push Welcome screen class:

import MfaPushWelcome from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-welcome';
const mfaPushWelcome = new MfaPushWelcome();

// SDK Properties return a string, number or boolean
// ex. "login-id";

// SDK Methods return an object or array
await mfaPushWelcome.enroll();

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The MFA Push Welcome screen class properties are:

interface branding {
  settings: null | BrandingSettings;
  themes: null | BrandingThemes;

interface BrandingSettings {
  colors?: {
    pageBackground?: string | {
      angleDeg: number;
      end: string;
      start: string;
      type: string;
    primary?: string;
  faviconUrl?: string;
  font?: {url: string;};
  logoUrl?: string;

interface BrandingThemes {
  default: {
    borders: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
    colors: Record<string, string>;
    displayName: string;
    fonts: Record<string, string | boolean | object>;
    pageBackground: Record<string, string>;
    widget: Record<string, string | number>;

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The MFA Push Welcome screen class method are:

enroll( options ?)

This method navigates the user to the enrollment screen.

import MfaPushWelcome from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-welcome';

const mfaPushWelcome = new MfaPushWelcome();
await mfaPushWelcome.enroll();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.

pickAuthenticator( options ?)

This method navigates the user to the authenticator selection screen.

import MfaPushWelcome from '@auth0/auth0-acul-js/mfa-push-welcome';

const mfaPushWelcome = new MfaPushWelcome();
await mfaPushWelcome.pickAuthenticator();

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Parameter                  Type Required Description
[key: string] string | number | boolean | undefined No Optional data collected from user.