Tier Dev Private Cloud

See below for the rate limit policies for the Tier 20 (Development) Private Cloud subscription type.


API Burst Request Limit Sustained Request Limit
Authentication API 20 20/second

Endpoint Method Burst Request Limit Sustained Request Limit Limit Type
User Info GET, POST 10 5/minute To a unique User ID
Change Password

Reset Password with Universal Login
POST 10 1/minute From an IP Address to a unique Email Address
Signup* POST 50 50/minute From an IP Address
Get Passwordless Code or Link GET, POST 50 50/hour From an IP Address
Native Social Login (Apple / Facebook Only) POST 50 500/minute Any Request for Apple or Facebook Native Social Login
Dynamic Application (Client) Registration POST 5 5/second Any request
Universal Logout POST 35 35/second Any request
Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR) POST 100 100/second From an IP Address
Back-Channel authorize (CIBA) POST 500 500/minute From an IP Address
Device code activation (no prompt) POST 30 6/second From an IP Address
Device code authorization POST 5 5/second From an IP Address
MFA OOB token exchange POST 12 12/minute To a unique session
*Represents the default limit. You can configure the Signup endpoint limit in Auth0 Dashboard. To learn more, read Suspicious IP Throttling.


API Burst Request Limit Sustained Request Limit
Management API 20 20/second

Endpoint Method Burst Request Limit Sustained Request Limit Limit Type
Get Organizations GET 10 100/minute Any request
Get Organizations by ID GET 40 500/minute Any request
Get Organizations by Name GET 20 200/minute Any request
Create an Organization POST, PATCH, DELETE 5 150/minute Any request
Get Organization Members GET 40 500/minute Any request
Add Organization Members POST, DELETE 20 200/minute Any request
Get Members of an Organization GET 20 200/minute Any request
Get Organization Member Roles GET 20 200/minute Any request
Create Organization Member Roles POST, DELETE 20 200/minute Any request
Get Organization Connections GET 10 100/minute Any request
Create Organization Connections POST, PATCH, DELETE 5 150/minute Any request
Verify Custom Domain POST 5 5/minute Any request
Get Status Connection GET 100 15/second Any request
Rotate Signing Keys POST 5 5/day Any request
Get Partials for a Prompt GET 5 5/minute Any request
Create Partials for a Prompt PUT 5 5/minute Any request
Get Clients

Only applies to the usage of the q parameter.

GET 5 150/minute Any request
Get Organization Client Grants GET 10 100/minute Any request
Create Organization Client Grants POST 5 150/minute Any request


Limit Type Endpoint Path Operation Limit
Single SCIM connection endpoint /scim/v2/connections/{connection-id} Any request 25 requests per second
Global tenant limit for all SCIM connections /scim/v2/connections/* Any request 100 requests per second


Endpoint Method Burst Request Limit Sustained Request Limit Limit Type
Universal login prompts (global) GET, POST 500 500/minute From an IP Address
Universal login prompts (per prompt) GET 20 10/minute From an IP Address
Universal login prompts (per prompt) POST 10 5/minute From an IP Address
Password reset prompt GET 500 500/minute From an IP Address
MFA push enrollment prompt GET, POST 500 500/minute From an IP Address
MFA push challenge prompt GET, POST 500 500/minute From an IP Address
MFA SMS enrollment prompt GET 20 10/minute From an IP Address
MFA SMS enrollment prompt POST 10 5/minute From an IP Address
MFA SMS enrollment verify prompt GET 20 10/minute From an IP Address
MFA SMS enrollment verify prompt POST 10 5/minute From an IP Address
Passwordless SMS challenge prompt GET, POST 5 5/minute From an IP Address
Passwordless email challenge prompt GET, POST 5 5/minute From an IP Address
Phone verification enrollment prompt GET, POST 5 5/minute From an IP Address
Phone verification challenge prompt GET, POST 5 5/minute From an IP Address
Device code prompt GET, POST 5 5/second From an IP Address


Endpoint Burst Request Limit Sustained Request Limit Limit Type Limit
OTP (6 numeric digits) failures 10 10 per hour To a unique User ID
Recovery code failures 10 10 per hour To a unique User ID
Webauthn challenge failures 15 15 per minute To a unique User ID
Webauthn challenge generated 15 15 per minute To a unique User ID
Push notifications sent per user 5 5 per minute To a unique User ID
SMS sent per user 10 1 per hour To a unique User ID
Email sent per user 20 1 per minute To a unique User ID